
Welcome to my site. My name is Paul Gronka and I've worked in the Information Technology (IT) field for almost 15 years in both Private and Public sectors. Under the Portfolio section, you will find links to both sites and custom applications I've been a part of in developing.

In my limited free time, I've begun coaching my son's YMCA sports teams. After my first season of coaching my son's Itty-Bitty Soccer, I wanted to create a site as a resource for other parents thinking about coaching. There is a lot of information out there, some you need to pay for while others offer tips for free. Before the season began, I did a lot of research and reading on ways to make practices fun for children. Under the Coaching section, you will find my practices, short descriptions of the drills, and other materials I used during the season. Currently I'm coaching my first season of T-Ball. When I have time I'll be sure to update the site with my practices and other materials I use during the season.

If you have any suggestions on how I can improve the site I would love to hear them.